Cost Management

Few variables determine a construction project’s initial success more than the cost. But the true cost, value and profitability of a scheme will be judged on more than just its price.
That’s why we focus on achieving the optimum balance of time, quality, cost and value for each and every project we work on – whether that’s a regeneration, refurbishment or a scheme built from the ground up.
We like to start at the inception phase, where we use our deep market intelligence to map out a strategic cost plan which covers not just the projected timeframe and cost, but also identifies the best procurement strategy to use and how cost risk should be split most efficiently between client and suppliers.
We will then:
Analyse tenders with a forensic eye for detail – including a forecast of cost, value and potential risk
Agree detailed contract documents and finalise contract sums with the chosen contractors
Specify standards and map them accurately to the budget
Proactively manage costs and solve problems, value engineering where necessary
Carry out interim valuations and cash flow forecasting, to ensure the project team always has a detailed picture of both progress to date and future cost
Agree final accounts and administer any cost claims